Arts Grant artist blog

Friday, August 7, 2009

song 4 draft

Spoken from Medea's point of view. The gods made her fall madly in love with Jason of the Argonauts, so that she would use her sorcery to help him succeed in his quests. He made a vow to the gods that he would love her always. In return, she became a cold-blooded killer who murdered her own brother and any other person who stood in Jason's way. Years after Jason married her, he decided to leave her for a young Greek princess, Glauce. Medea tried to reason with him that she had forsaken everything to be with him. His response was that she should be thankful he had given her (a foreigner) fame, financial security, and two sons. Maybe he should have realized that she has a penchant for murder when things don't go her way? Medea pretended to acquiesce, but then, in retaliation, she killed Glauce and both their children before flying to her escape in the dragon-pulled chariot of her grandfather Helios, the sun god. Here is my take.

Notes: 1) I chose the language of fire because this is the way in which Medea quenched her anger. She had her sons deliver a tiara and dress to Glauce, which upon being worn, exploded into flames that melted her. 2) The Golden Fleece is the famous object that Jason sought to retrieve. With Medea's aid, he succeeded.

I am not to be erased
I am not to be replaced
You have driven me farther than I can take
Everything you are become
Is the golden fleece I've spun
My hateful love, i'm coming undone

Your phantom touch
It burns my body
Quench me
quench me

So I'll play the docile part
Pull the wool over your wooden heart
I left it all for you
Now you leave me no other choice
Don't you know who i am
Too late, too late, already damned
No one spurns the daughter of the sun

For every part of me that bleeds
You'll repay the cost in seed
You should know that the end will be your misdeeds
All my love, all gone to waste
Oh my love is poison-laced
Sweet chariot, take me far away

Your swallowed words 
Flames twisting from your tongue
Quench me
quench me


No screams or impassioned pleas
are a match for your cold reason
But I am the mistress of deceiving


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