While I was abroad in Chile, I was inspired by the diverse, beautiful landscapes in front of me and it made me wonder if Chile is unique in this regard, or if I have just come to overlook the natural beauty that is in front of me everyday. When you are abroad, you are taken out of your element and everything you do and everything you see is isolated in your mind as something extraordinary and unique. However, while I was in Chile, I kept being told that Chile and California are much more similar that I realize. So I decided to find out for myself. Since I have been back, I have been traveling around California and exploring the many landscapes that exist right here that up until now I never really took the time to absorb. Everyone has seen the Golden Gate Bridge, but how often do you sit there, look out on to the bay, close your eyes and feel the breeze hit your skin, open your eyes and see the monumental structure in front of you, and finally allow yourself to feel connected to this moment in some sort of way.
Especially at Stanford, we do not allow ourselves to take the time to stop, breathe, and open our eyes and just simply allow ourselves to be consumed by the beauty around us. This beauty comes in all forms, from deserts, to cities, to graffiti, to oceans, to mountain ranges and so forth. It is everywhere and it has been a life changing process, learning how to slow down in order to discover something magical.
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