Arts Grant artist blog

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a song snippet

Hey everyone,

I am on campus doing Econ research, so progress on this project has not been as good as I would have liked. However, I did want to post a rough recording of one song I have, for the most part, finished. I'm in the process of writing 2 other songs.

So this one is based on Helen of Troy. She's been written about countless times but it's too intriguing for me not to attempt my own version. There's a lot of focus on the battle, Achilles' drama, Hector's courage, blah blah, but I want to focus on the woman who is at the center of the storm, yet is only mentioned a handful of times in the Iliad. Some people have singularly praised her for her beauty, letting it overshadow the rest of her identity. Others have vilified her as a beautiful little fool who was the "destroyer of ships, destroyer of men, destroyer of cities." Since we know so little about her, I decided to portray her as I see her, Aphrodite's pawn in the goddess's vain desire to win the apple of discord.

here is a song snippet; i just put in rando photos to make a movie since we can't upload audio files. the piano is hard to hear even though i was pounding the keys....i have yet to figure out a better way to record than using my laptop.

swan song

a thousand ships launched yesterday

creeping over the horizon
they come to take the cit
not the girl *

when he first came
i was another's but, only in name
he traced his love with spilled champagne * *
he had foam-born Love on his right
i came quietly

nine years
behind these walls
nine years
before the city falls
so hurry, love me, for i am yours
till they break down the doors

every dusk, the dust on the field

clings to every unclaimed shield

from above, their wailing drowns my sanity

Her vanity

in a pool of blood


three times i circled the gift
singing the names of those who curse me

both the whore and the holy one

there is no modest


* I see the war as an excuse to conquer Troy, not retrieve a trophy wife. Melenaus intended to kill Helen anyway, only changing his mind at the last minute because of her beauty. In some versions she saved herself by baring her breasts. i can't help but laugh.
** happened in Robert Grave's The Greek Myths

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