Arts Grant artist blog

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Very happy about the Party on the Edge, the turn out and the excitement over all of the projects. Just as a closing note, we're posting a link to Greg & my blog with a page about the robotic mind mapper and a few images of the prototyping process and from POTE last Thursday.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Explorations in Mind Mapping

Some more work this weeked. The wall is finished, and surprisingly, didn't rattle when the motors were attached! The little cubic artwork is controlled by the EEG input. As the user's attention increases (cooresponding primarily to stronger alpha and beta activity), the pen moves right, if it decreases, it moves left. Up and down movements depend on meditation values (theta-wave activity).

Here's a little video of James using the machine:

The final version draws in circular patterns, and there will be automatic limits so the robot doesn't run off the paper!